Thursday, July 22, 2004

i read a book today during my break from studying. pretty interesting book which deals with pressure and yada-yada. there was a line in there which says:" be miserable- if that makes you happy." think it makes alot of sense. i mean, if that's the way you are, then rock on man. who cares what others say as long as you feel good. reading the book has enlightened me TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. brillant but i shant reveal the title cos its darn cheesy. you'll laugh at me.

that boy of mine is away. so annoying. i hate it when i miss him. one thing is that he's already so far away yet he still wants to be busy all the time. grrr. hahaa. and yes, keep guessing cos you wont ever know who he is. AND YES, he's real. lol. i dont wanna disclose much about him without his permission LA.

and i have to apologise to those whom i had blew my top on. i mean, i just dont want to have any other obligations when i feel that i am emotionally attached to someone else. it ain't the way i handle things.

and i just want to be plain jane today.


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