Saturday, July 17, 2004

just got back awhile ago. supra-tired! but it was damn fun! hahaha. laughed and ate alot. boy i miss my mates. =) anyway we went for bbq steamboat at marina area. kinda crowded and the food was pretty alright. something funny happened!! halfway thru our cursingswearingtryingtoeat, this guy came up to my table and said:

guy in black: may i take picture?
me: HUH? OK. (i thought he meant for me to take pictures for his group)
-noone moved-
guy in black: (repeated question) may i take picture with you? -looked at my friends-
guy in black: it's fine with you girls right?
me: HUH?!!?!? -asked friends what's going on-
me: you want to take pictures with me?! ME?
guy in black: yea. if you don't mind.

hahaha. thing is, of cos i mind!!! but it was very weird. the whole incident was like HUH?! seriously have no idea what was going on and of cos, my friends so did not help me along. grrrr.
anyway that is how i made a new friend+ teasing from my friends. -_- pretty nice person from the army. hahah. i just have to say that.

after dinner, we went to play on the swings! DARN FUN. it's been such a loooooong time since i last sat on one. singapore's playgrounds do not usually have swings anymore! so sad. but anyhow, we had more giggles and bitching.

went cafe cartel after that. pretty late already. yet being the food-lovers, we settled down for some ice-cream. crowded and so we were seated at the open-air area. loads of smoke. i felt i was dying by the time. ho well. hahaha. i realised that ALOT of people do smoke. hmmmmm.

i wanna go use the phone now! laters.

bam bam bam. =)


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