Wednesday, July 21, 2004

yes laugh. i was late for school today and i had to be 1) under the bloody rain 2) run around the school hall as part of the punishment. damn those thousand pairs of eyes staring. i don't care. i was down on my luck. first time late and i got HELL. damn you. hmpf. yes laugh. go on! grrrrr.

so much confessions within these few days. too fast-paced for me yea? i don't wanna know much. i just want to know how i feel for a particular someone and that's it. don't come telling me about your feelings. i don't wanna know. i am horrible and that's it. if there's anything i can say to all of you, don't make me change my heart. don't tell my anything. my heart's taken- by a stranger.

yes. GALVIN AND SIMON, quit teasing! hahahhaa.

and i still think about you tonight-now.


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