Friday, July 16, 2004

TGIF. waiting for time to pass quickly so that i can go for dinner with my mates and head down to a club later. been a loooooooooong while since i catch up with those ladies. shall take loads of pics and have them uploaded asap. yes, i am gonna enjoy this weekend. period. real tired lately. been staying up late for i-dont-know what. damn me. it's time i start cracking on my revision. SOON.

ok. and what's with (some) guys and pick-up lines?! haha. amuses me.

and my nose is itchy. everytime it's itchy, it means i am gonna be down with a cold soon. REALLY!

argh. that boy is still sleeping. i swear his biological clock is darn warped. i have to admit that i do wish that he has plans to come back but somehow i do not have the courage to tell him. hmmmmm. that's me. sigh. let's see how things go la.

i ain't shutting nobody away.
it's just not my style to mislead.
so if you can't find your way,
i can't offer to help anyway.
cos my heart's taken,
but it ain't by you.


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