Friday, April 22, 2005

worked and it rained.

and i went camera searching with pei. and i saw my lovely lovely ipod. LOVELY PRICE TOO. i sound so meticulous on my blog lately. like some petty stingy pot. YES I AM STINGY. go away. hahaha.

and major bitching with a favorite girl. favorites k! lol.

angie! if you are reading this, BOO TO YOU! that's for leaving us for STATES.

for just a holiday of cos.

ok la. we miss you. you and your annoying sewing/knitting and spotlight.

hope you having some kind of life there. beats staying at home and sew.

AND IT'S SO BORING! just finished talking to my dad about driving. he's mad. he wants me to take my traffic police test this 6th may. LIKE HELLO! i'll FAIL. hahahah. as usual. i'm a reckless shit.

nights people. i shall go settle my flea market thingy thingy.


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