Friday, April 15, 2005

through the tear(s) in my eye,
i see the world in another light.
so blurry. so grey.
as if the world's suddenly a monochrome.
just black and white.

where have all the colors gone?
the tinge of colors blue, green, red, yellow.
happy colors, a happy world.
probably a happy me.

my heart's probably the color of black.

from far away, i saw-
the kite with the color red.
the only sign of life-
a happy life.
yet, the moment of joy died almost instaneously
when the string snapped

the only color.
the only hope of happiness,
was taken away from me.
with the wind, the kite drifts further and further
maybe to somewhere better.

maybe to somewhere better.
somewhere with colors everywhere.
expect for the colors of black and white.


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