Thursday, March 24, 2005

just had my nice lil warm bath. feels damn refreshing! nicest k! i love warm baths!!

there is absolutely no food at home. been digging through the whole kitchen, fridge etc. how disappointing. i only had macdonalds for my brunch. no dinner, no supper! famished. i am absolutely craving for garlic prawn pasta at 'coffee club'. VERY NICE CAN. i think i can eat it for dinner everyday! go try! yummy!!! -drools-

talked to baby just now. short yet sweet. i love having such dailies. boy do i miss him. he's having holidays and that's not fair!! fine. i am just being unreasonable. hahahaha.

ok. you guys can tell. i am happy! not overjoyed or anything but simply a tad happy.

told you. he does wonders. (:

told you. you do wonders. (: (:

alright beautifuls. i am off to hmmm, entertain myself.

nights beautifuls.

night gorgeous.


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