Friday, March 18, 2005

miss janice apologised to me for plagarism. is that how you spell it anyway?! ahhhhhhh. i forgive. (: i am revealing her name because there are simply too many janices around. she's nice enough to apologise though. gonna give her credit for that.

and i just realised that everyone has the same freaking phone as me!!! EVERYONE!! and they just wanna use the same ringtones as me! SAME i swear. was on the train and some phone started ringing and EVERYONE whipped out their handphones. in the same carriage alone, i saw six of MY PHONE! this shows something. we are the coolest six in that carriage, plus my baby, and i/we are cool cos we share the coolest ringtones.

i am suffering from hair loss (i think).

i think (again) that i shall watch tv tonight. been awhile since i last watched any tv programmes. baby's asleep already so it's private time with me, myself and i.

ohs! and i am getting tanner and tanner. baby wants me to be fairer! -_- i tan SO EASILY.

ok, i am off to bathe! smell-ly. (:


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