Sunday, March 20, 2005

ah, woke up due to a darn nightmare. horrid.

baby's still at his work. poor boy.

i have work tomorrow. it's darn tiring and my feet hurts like mad. AND i've blood clot at my toes! poor me!

i can't sleep now. HOW, the brown cow. funny.

slightly feverish. must be the darn nightmare. been having quite abit of them and been having hair loss. OH NO". anyways, i am gonna perm my hair (i think).

second thought, i better not. save money. but i saw this Guess watch that it is so gorgeous can! OMG. and my supervisior has this damnnn prettty bvlgari ring! DAMN PRETTYY! -drools- she's friggin individual la. more on her another day.

oh ya, i was talking about saving money. hmmmm.

gonna see my sydney love in 54 days! don't ask me why the numbers kept changing. we just miss each other so very much! hehehehehe.

oh, 54! my fav number!


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