Tuesday, March 22, 2005

very annoyed. such annoyance is making me age.

my job.

pros: i love my current job at the moment. pays pretty ok and fits my schedule extremely well. i can have driving lessons in the morning and then go for my work and then RUSH home to catch my baby before he sleeps. trust me, i rush or make an attempt to rush EVERY single day. how sweet. and i get to meet damn pretty corporate women! -drools- i am so fine with it that i am requesting to work everyday so that i'll have enough to go to Aust. my supervisor thinks i am mad for doing that. i'll tire myself out of cos but the days in Aust make up for everything. sweet.

cons: my job makes me tanner by the day. i stand under the freaking sun and we all know how the weather is like in singapore. it's FREAKING HOT. i melt. no shit. and then i meet strangers who preach to me like they know me so well. annoying. whatever.

burnt a hole in my pocket cannnnnnn. bought this chuck taylors, ate sushi, new pink top. i AM suppose to save. "i'll save. i need to save." -chants- the urge to buy stuff is more than anything can. i feel damn disgusted for having spent so much today. the Aust trip is (almost) driving me nuts.

had a nice chat with gal in the morning. kept me entertained till i was almost late for work. ok la. i was late for work. haha.

i fear driving tomorrow.

"turn steering all the way to u-turn. check blind spot turning. accelerator then release clutch slowly. turn left keep left...blah..."

i'll be fine tomorrow. TRY HARDER AT MAKING ME FEEL DUMB. (nono, don't try ya. i'll be depressed.)

Driving will REALLY BE FINE tomorrow.

i know.
i miss your voice.

fine. i miss you.



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