Monday, August 16, 2004

Such a rough night and i brought it upon myself.

there's no means for redemption. words spoken cannot be taken back. like time lost, it's never returned. Evident remorse, regret can't undo the hurt. it just elevates the pain, leaving two parties at a loss.

there are no means to justify my actions. insensitivity and insecurity has made me a jealous lover. that has brought me to my lowest, and my inadequancy to the highest. no control over my emotions, just outbursts which are not to be targetted at the person i love. it's ironic how when you try to salvage the situation, you end up making a mess out of it. a total mess. if there's something to be learnt, don't be a smart ass cos as the end of the day, the mess gets remembered and not the hidden intention.

my writing's a jargon, so many random thoughts. my head's a whirl. my knees are weak. my heart aches for it speaks of a lonely heart, for it longs for you.

Spoken is my sorry, unaccepted is my apology.

i am a selfish, spiteful lover. i know words hurt yet i have inflicted pain onto you-though unintentionally.
rain hitting against the panes,
bringing out a soft rhythm.
the almost silent background,
accompanied by gentle sobs.
i'll be a recluse,
away from the world tonight.
"Jason, i miss you."
from the bottom of my heart.
cliche it may sound, but i truly do.
for i know i can't live a day without your presence.


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