Friday, August 13, 2004

hair's gone. ah well. went for dinner with mom. dim sum at raffles hotel's like woaaahhhh. damn nice la. i am not promoting the place cos i used to work there k. it's really pretty neat place. And i saw loads of stuff i wanna buy can!! this 2 pretty skirts from Zara. FWAH. i bought earrings and another top from Morgan. my my. pretttyyyy!! i have to stop shopping laaaaaa. grrrrr.

i am searching for inspirations for my prom dress. gonna design one myself. any ideas welcomed k. hahahahha. i wanna look coooooool and pretty of cos. bleah.

mug mug mug. i shant slp tonight. i just realised that i have only 84 days to As. MY. mug on everyone. i shall meet some mates for supper later. no booze please. hahahahaha.

oh and i think i seriously lost my cam. fish.

Sleep tight my lovely one.


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