Monday, February 16, 2004

school was simply sweet. mondays can be one of the most enjoyable school days, though i had a great fall during pe. hmmm. ouch! not to mention the embarrassment. bruises all over?! ugly! aye. alvin gave me 2 stuffed toy plus a box of chocolates. and did i say he gave me a bouquet of flowers just last fri?! thought he was kinda sweet. hmmm. like i said, some guys can be just too sweet. he's just one of them. though my brother does not have much to say about him, i thought he seems ok to me. well he has been going after me for like a month plus? though he does not really know me. well, he has been trying to get information from my bro's girlfriend. and he asked my bro for a favour?! hmm wonder what that is. and i wonder when his infatuation for me will die down.


it makes me wonder why i am still so fussy about guys. are there just none that fits my criteria? i shall ponder about that tonight.


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