Friday, February 06, 2004

it is just one of the nights whereby you come back home, anticipating the warmth of the room yet all you get is a sense of solitude...

today was one hell of a frenzy. school was a breeze though GP sucked. =P went seoul garden with my class and i am saying this for the 10000th time, i will go on a diet soon! slap myself if i dont! argh! again, lots of balls and meat. hell, i love my class. ice cream was some cheap thrill.

went bugis to look for pressies and a new bag. plan failed. it's ok. i still have the weekend right! contemplation 1: new hair-cut?
oh well. that can wait i guess.

home pretty late cos of all da shopping and bitching and ice cream! and the talk with my friends made me realise something.

i try very hard to play the role of a perfectionist even though i have been through the realisation that life is that imperfect.

i find perfection in the world's imperfections.


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