Thursday, February 05, 2004

i hate thurdays. cause it is one of the longest school day ever! argh!

went for supposed ice-cream with saeed. been a long while since we had ice-cream together. lol. changed my mind as i was too full from milo. in the end, went to tampines to get some valentine's day pressies. i think i make a great valentine with all the ideas! geez. somebody just tell me i rock?! wadi came along awhile later!! been a long time since i went out with him. and i realise, it's been a long time since everyone did anything today. everyone's just too preoccupied with everything. sigh. that's life. get over it.

thought of the day (all thanks to shuyun): do i have high expectations or do i simply ask for too lil from a guy. hmmmm...

i wonder....


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