Sunday, July 17, 2005

Emotionally selfish.

as quoted by someone which i couldn't exactly decipher what it means. Not that the 2 words have profound meanings but maybe they are just too complex for a simple someone who only knows and wants to love and love and not stop loving.

or maybe the emotionalist me has been stripped of all emotions that i simply can't comprehend what it means to be emotionally selfish anymore.

But I can't be emotional-less if i can still feel pain/anger. Can i?

This is the simple emotionalist me. when i am happy, i am on cloud nine. when i am sad, i cry. when i am angry, i get moody with the occasional tantrum. it's only natural isn't it? I think it's only human.

I don't know. i just wanna be myself.

The emotionalist me.


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