Monday, June 27, 2005

what i see.

i see you.

influenced by the decomposition of society.
such a young lad with such bright future.
yet such monstrosity by you when you just throw away your future,
and hurt the people you once said you love,
with your egocentric behaviour.

you don't love when you don't think about the hurt you're causing.
we hurt because we love,
young chap.

the whirlpool in my head is like that in his life.
hurting my head, hurting his soul.
this young soul slowly drained away,
by a power so strong.
powers so emotion-less.
he can't win. he can barely start the fight.

so now i see you,
down on your knees.
soft murmurs coming from you, yet with such rhythm.
you're praying to the Lord.
And yet you are praying not for Him to help you win,
but for Him to take away your emotions.



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