Thursday, March 10, 2005

i'm a fucking shit head.

everyone uses vulgarities, so why not. shows their angst anyway. like how someone said "son of a bitch" with loads of asterisks. as if it lessens the magnitude.

BAD MOOD. ya, so i do get your point. i am a shit head anyway. don't have to flash it at anyone else. i'll buzz off anyway.

do i sound like i am in a bad mood? i do?! i am FUCKING NOT.

now being vulgar really shows the angst. no wonder EVERYONE uses it, without going through their head whether it should be used. how convenient. where was the sensitivities i was trying to point out a few days ago. oh, i know. noone listens to shit head.

i am not angry. i don't have a reason i guess.

just upset which gives me absolutely no reason for that at all.

and i am being a great shit head for not going to work.

i just feel


Because he is in a bad mood. and like you guessed it correctly, i made him angry. what's new.

hiatus. see you.

and if *you ever see this, SORRY.


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