Monday, August 09, 2004

down with flu, fever and sore throat. tell me i did not catch the flu bug please? i swear 274892 people passed that bug to me. grrrrr. seriously ain't feeling all that great. i can't concentrate on my studying la. gonna pop vitamins like mad.
34 days to prelims and 91 days to As. -dead-
oh here's the deal. my darling and i are just gonna do well for our exams. i don't care. WE ARE. -eriod- hahaha. i think i am schizo. -sheesh-

i hope Jason's paying attention in lectures now. he slept so late can. i'll nag when i have the chance to and when he gets back to singapore, he's dead meat. -evil-

i think i wanna go get a bag now. i need stationaries big time. so bored. hahaha. since i can't run, i can do a lil shopping. right Jaz? =D


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