Monday, July 26, 2004

woke up this early morning,
a seemingly ordinary Sunday,
Yet a whole new meaning to mark the end of the week.
muttered an almost silent "good morning",
and cursed under my breath,
to a YOU that's so far away,
hoping that maybe somehow you'll hear that lil wish and start your morning
i had a dream of you and me,
we were happy in the dream.
And i know that i am happy now,
cos you have entered into this new chapter of my life
-called chapter 1.
so like a brand new novel,
sitting on a table,
waiting to be read.
it will be untouched,
for it's meaningless to read such a story alone.
for now,
it will stay on that table,
let days and nights go by,
and dust settles,
till we read this wonderful story- together.
counting down the days.


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