Tuesday, April 06, 2004

tueday's joys!

a good enough day today. firstly, it's tuesday. that means school ends at 2.15pm! cheers people. whilst all the sci kids are busying whizzing thru their books, i gained my well earned freedom! i think i am so mean. school had been fun, which was like one of the rare times. and i have to say, i realised that my attention span is so darn short! i was bored during econs and started getting grumpy cos i had nothing to do! i was grumpy last sat cos i had nothing to do during the 4 hours of cip! those itchy fingers of mine needs some twiddling! oh back to econs class, as i was saying, i was so bored till i start swirling on those 'mobile' chairs! and everyone was like "eh! look at feli, i think she's bored! another whispers- "she's such a hype-active kid"
Big deal darlings! lol.
i love my class to BITS!
fuggin funny people. just like me!

highlights of the day!
i did pretty well for history! no more fs man! got a friggin E which means 2 grades up! love myself for this! never thot i could do it! hoho. econs was a total flop but then again, i think i should look on the brighter side! (galvin says that i write too much sad stuff. hmmm...) GP was ok ok though i expected to fail badly! let's await lit tomorrow and if all goes well, a toast to all man!

on a lighter note:
hi, galvin!
here's a note to you as i am suppose to mention about you eh? =) hahaha. this dude is funny! he does not want to look the way he is. tell you something dude. i don't either! oh and i have to say it again, galvin has nerdy glasses and cute hair.


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