Saturday, April 03, 2004

--- it's been a long while since i do something. something real. you know, like just spending time with myself. i guess i have been too caught up with trying to help everyone else that sometimes, i just fail to satisfy myself. now that sounds a lil wrong. hmmm more like i have yet to realise what i want in life. it's like waking up one morning and reality just strike you that your life is way too mundane. not that i need real interesting events to happen but i am sure i do not need shit to happen on me. block tests had been a total boo-boo. and now my name spells failure. geez. i am no longer the loud me, i have become silent. just so angry with myself and everyone else. with Him. for i thot he would be there to help me. but as usual, i guess i was wrong. sighest. i have no idea whot i want anymore. cos what i want does not always happen to me. shit happens and i hate it.

just wish someone will just save me from this whirlpool.


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