Sunday, February 01, 2004

flag day today was just horrific! either i was in a real bad mood or everyone else was just some bad-ass today. geez. pissed the hell out of me cos i did not manage to get much from all the supposed generous singaporeans! and u must be wondering why i am so mad. blame it on pms maybe. all da irritants! hmpf!

thank god i had the company of my class (hmm i meant 1/3 of the class). hahaha. my class is so damn bloody small for the 1001th time. took 53 to bishan which seemed lk forever. me and wen hu were just getting cheap thrills out of "xiao ming" joke. classic! that mo gu of mine is pretty weird. geez. as usual. pics in da bus and we spot a stalker! ok. maybe i think too much! did i tell you how cool howard looks in some pics?! well he does.

tmr's my date with my dearest mo gu! gonna look pretty i hope!! yayest!


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