Sunday, February 22, 2004

i have recurring dreams of that shadow.
that silhouette that seems oh so familiar.
but at that moment,
i could not remember who you are.

i remember being drunk.
trying to follow the white stripes on the road,
and yet i failed to walk in a straight line.
and then i bumped into you.
your cologne, the smell of cigar on your shirt,
so familiar,
but i could not say your name.

we smiled.
now, i remember that smile.
i have seen that ages ago.
and i wonder, "now where have i seen you before."
you offered to walk me home,
you took me by the hand,
and i thought i remembered that touch.
we did not speak,
but somehow we understood.

we strolled on the beach.
i was feeling tipsy from the booze.
you held me,
as if afraid that i wouldl fall.
you whispered into my ears, "don't be afraid cos i am here."
i squirmed and giggled,
and you laughed at my silliness.

i wasn't afraid,
of this stranger.
and i wondered why.
amidst all this silence,
i felt that i have known him,
for a long long time...

then this solidarity stranger just walked away.
on that beach,
his shadow got further and further away.
and it was the moment before i woke,
that i saw your face.
so it was you all along.

i woke up crying.
no idea why.
just this sudden emptiness i feel.
it hurts after so long.
i cried and hugged my bolster,
trying to remember your warmth,
before i finally cry myself to sleep;
hoping to see you once again.


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