Monday, March 14, 2005

it's the lil things that makes me smile. widest ever.

do you believe in Fate?

i think i do.

the past 7 months have been the most amazing time in my life. no shit. and yes, it's more than simply amazing. yet the 7 months was no honeymoon period with loads of flowers, candies, chocolates or whateverrrrrr lovelies we can ever think of. i say they are SO ordinary.

and i dare say that, simply because my relationship is EXTRAORDINARY! (:

and who says long-distance relationship does not work out? i've read in Cleo, Female blah on articles that shows many many successful long-d r/s that worked well right into marriage. it's tough and we all recognise that. but nothing is more worthwhile than doing it for one who jolly and rightfully deserves it.

and why is mine EXTRAORDINARY.

whilst every couple in the whole entire annoying world is out having dates, we had our virtual dates online.
whilst every couple spent their anniversaries prolly having candle-light dinners (roll eyes), i had my dinner at home, singapore while he had his in sydney.
we watch tv together. just different channels across different islands.
we sleep together. just different beds. just a few hours apart.

and you dare say mine is not SPECIAL?! i don't believe.

and why is mine special again?!


i am looking forward towards my next date. probably in another 3 more months.

come on! mine's special. who has dates in months?! ME! -raises hand- and don't tell me about tekong cos THEY get to come out on weekends. hmpf.

and you still don't get why mine is special?!

because he is special.
and he makes everything extraordinary. even me.

and because.

we're in love. (:


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