Sunday, September 19, 2004

life's been such a rush-rush lately.

exams. very much a horrid. all the papers were like "omgod-ing bad". just thinking about it is demoralising enough. DEAD. Ah well. glad it's over- uh almost.
been rushing to the hospital alot. grandma's real sick. it's the age thing i suppose. the many regrets that i have never really took the time to sit down and talk to her and all. boy do i miss her-not the one lying in hospital. she has got to be the best grandma. i know she is. her days are numbered. i don't know how i'll be able to deal with this. i hate Death.


haven't been talking much to my baby. my exams and all. he probably feels damn neglected or nothing at all. ah. i miss that boy alot. ALOT. ah well.

hopelessly in love.


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