Friday, July 30, 2004

so annoyed. as always yea? haha. this time round, it is with my comp! it stinks. no kidding. anyhow. felt bad for dcing and having to leave Jaz in the lurch. not that he wants me to be online or what, but i just want to be online on this friday, able to talk to him without having to think about studies and whatsoever. Anyhow,he's away cooking. hahaha. so cute can! if he sees this entry, he's gonna say i am silly. cos i took a cab down to my Aunt's place to use the comp and talk to him. hahaha. i can just imaging him shaking his head. LALALA.anyhow. here i am!! My cousin just got a damn cute chihuahua! SO SMALLLLLLL!! 2nd cutest lil thing alive. no.1's my baby. and it's called di-di. so weird right. and i swear Coco's (1st chihuahua in the family) jealous. hahahaha. waiting for Jaz to come back from cooking. he's probably gonna take forever. never mind. if there's something i've learnt, patience is a virtue. And i just cant find the calling card that i bought! rarrrr!!  


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