Saturday, June 19, 2004

quick update!! time is precious! lol.
bought F.I.R's album! absolutely brillant! go listen to their songs, it makes me wanna get all so emotional.

hmmm. what was i trying to say. pardon me since it's like past midnight and i had been studying for god knows how long, my head hurts and my neck's stiff. and i have been talking to myself. see, this is what stress does to you. hmmm.

ohs. to jarel, i've offed my phone. quit trying. lol. ain't gonna be free till exams are over so be patient! =) and don't be paranoid, i aint avoiding you yea?

and peeps (guys) out there, please ar, i am a nerd wannabe and to me, studies comes first of cos. buzz off. lol.

sleepy! help!


i hear a voice inside my head.


Blogger Galvin said...

Yeah finally i found someone that likes fir with me yeah yeah hahahha u rock gal cool hehehe actualli dun have to buy u know can download dear next time i show u how okie haha

12:24 AM  
Blogger fe fe said...

eee yer! i don't like dling. so what leh. buy album and support la! lol.

12:26 AM  

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