Friday, June 18, 2004

another day in school. it's so early i tell you. i fell asleep last night at 2am?! argh. so annoyed. planned to last thru the wee hours. someone(simon i think) said that coffee makes one fat. that aint gonna happen to me!!

to all those taking exams, good luck and pray hard. =)

i say a prayer today.


Blogger fe fe said...

way too tired la. dozed off and you know how difficult it is to stay awake without the help of caffeine, without the noise from my tv/radio, with the stale air (you get the picture). try again tonight. i better stay awake. anyway morning.

10:54 AM  
Blogger fe fe said...

alright man. seriously dying in school. perfect timing to sleep. laters then. -pats-

2:26 PM  

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