Saturday, May 22, 2004

went shopping with wenhui on this almost-perfect day. i mean it rained, so it wasn't such a bad start. well, wenhui was just so dropd-dead gorgeous today. she had some make-up on which made her look real good. i swear i am gonna start wearing them some day! i am eighteen and i should start being one! lol.

took NEL to town and went for lunch at far-east. the chicken rice was pretty good i must say. and to make things even better, we saw wenhui's prince charming! he's pretty ordinary looking but funny thing is, he caught our eyes. so clean, and outstanding! and i thought that he looks like a sunken edison chen! that's how we got his name. ED. suit him perfectly! so for the rest of the shopping trip, it wsa down to finding him and i tell you, we should have gotten his no. he's pretty much a good catch i must say. =))

ohs! and we were asked to go for some i models international audition. how weird is that!

such a weird saturday.


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