Saturday, May 29, 2004

GP paper was such a horrid! paper 2 was so oh-my-godding. toughest paper man! i swear i was like close to tearing my hair out while doing the paper. geez. anyway enough of all the whines and complaints.

after GP, wen hui and i decided to head down to heartland mall. we were suppose to go to fareast to search for her blackdude/perfectstranger/princecharming/ed but then again, we decided that if fate allows, one day they'll meet again. hmmmm. =)

so we happily took bus 81 to heartland for lunch. ate KFC and i swear it's either we were darn hungry or KFC just tasted damn damn good! arrrrrrr. explored heartland and i tell ya, the place changed so much. it's now a fusion between junction 8 and fareast! lk OMG! we saw neo prints shop and took lovely pics!!

i swear we look darn good in there. lol. say yes! =)

neo-prints! heartland rocks! lol.=) Posted by Hello


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