Thursday, July 01, 2004

hello all! i have no been blogging for a real long time and i thought it's time for some real entry. today's thurday, meaning it is 1 day away from the end of exams. lit paper 8 is the morning paper tomorrow and seriously, i have not studied a single thing on them. don't really know how to study for lit. -mutters- after tmr, it's party time! have yet to find out what i should do. let's pop a few champagnes tmr, shall we? lol.

alright, if you guys have been wondering, the papers were REAL TOUGH. ain;t gonna do well at all. but it is not as if i care anymore. i know i did study real hard for this exams and if i do not do well, then that says everything aye? whatever.

watched Windstruck with shoo, hui and Adam the other day. such a tragicomedy show. LOVE IT! it gets people to weep and ponder at the end of the day. for me, i started tearing like oh-you-don't-want-to-know where. silly me. as always, i am your emotionalist. proud to be one. so Kleenex anyone? =P

After Watching the show, it gives me hope that i am probably able to find someone like the leading actor. i want to be able to meet someone in the least expected way and get something sweet out it. i mean they meant in such a weird way and fell in love a weirder way. so cute. perfect relationship i must say. hahaha. the girl cooks and the guy washes the dishes! PERFECT. pretty down-to-earth show. sigh.

i believe he's somewhere out there and yes, i am waiting. so quit asking why i have been single and is still single. ggrrrrr.

oh. and i am ill today. running a fever i think. 37.9. not too sure if that is the normal temperature. ho whatever, i just feel weak and cold. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

i am your finest moment.


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